Do All Lives Matter? (Part Two: War & Peace)
Last week, I told you a little known fact about roadway deaths in America, which accumulated to more than 75,000 people in 2015 and 2016 combined. But the media has been mostly silent about those tragic deaths. Why is that? I shared my ideas (and my disgust) in part one of a series on the value of LIFE in the American Media. Today I continue that series with part two: Do All Lives Matter? War & Peace George Washington Crossing the Delaware, by Emanuel Gottlieb Leutze "My first wish is to see this plague of mankind, war , banished from the earth." -- George Washington Just reading our first president's words brings tears to my eyes. First, because I've read extensively about Washington and what he went through to bring this great nation into being. The Revolutionary War was at the same time horrific and glorious, characterized by both needless deaths and deaths that bought liberty so precious, we who are Americans can barely comprehend life w...